Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Today I am thankful - rainbow, busy and confident

- for my new rainbow scarf from Wunjo Crow, which arrived in today's mail. So lovely and colourful.*

- for a really busy drop-in day at the Breastfeeding Centre - including our youngest-ever baby at not quite 2 days old! A lotus baby, so we also played host to our first placenta! We had multiple babies learning the new way to attach, with baby-led attachment - and one mum cried because she had never felt her 2wo feed like that before. Another was in raptures at how easy it was and how her baby could just put herself back on over and over! One asked why they had all been taught a more forceful technique by the hospital midwives and I suggested they ask the hospital: in writing!

- for finally feeling confident with our new AV set up and being able to jump to and from different videos as envisaged! So much better than being bum in the air swapping disks and cursing different remotes!

* Yes Margie, I will photographer this and my other new rainbow goodness when I manage to be home in decent daylight!!!!!!

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