Saturday, January 1, 2011

Today I am thankful ... weather, home safe and magpies

Today I am thankful to wake up during the night and pull the doona up over me. The massive heat yesterday (we reached 41 degrees Celcius, about 105 F!) came from nowhere and thankfully went away after a day. No doubt there will be more to come, but for now it is cool.

Today I am thankful to wake up to a house full of young people - my kids spend NYE here and some friends stayed over. They are all safe and sound, which is the best start to a new year any parent can wish for.

Today I am thankful for the young magpie enjoying a breakfast of leftover bakery items outside my bedroom window. He can't see the cat watching him intently through the thin curtain! This young bird is descended from the family whose babies we helped raise five years ago, they are content to forage around here and the adults never swoop us because we are family!

In 2011, I hope to blog regularly about things for which I am thankful.

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