Saturday, April 2, 2011

52 Weeks of decluttering - week 13

Sticking to my motto - I am never behind, I am just where I am!

The past few weeks have been a challenge for me physically, as I juggle a bit of an MS flare-up with my work and personal care. So decluttering has been low on the list - not of it completely, but more micro-organising as I go rather than Decluttering Projects.

I still feel less than 100% (to be fair, I can't remember when I last felt 100%!) but the mind continues to churn even when the body is in rest-mode!

Today, I tackled a small-but-irritating area - a set of drawers in our en-suite bathroom. So a lesson in decluttering for those having a Bed Day :)

I placed a towel on my bed and transfered the drawers from the unit:
Really a dumping ground for stuff we never use

But prime real estate under the vanity!
The bane of my life, it took only TEN minutes of my life to deal with! Turning mountains back into mole-hills!

Only ONE item ended up in Give Away!

I relined the drawers with some paper from my scrapbooking stash and sorted the contents so like is with like and - 
Ta da! Spare room, even!

Over on Organizing Junkie, this week's prompt is a subject close to my heart!

52 Weeks: #13 Purge magazine backlogs

which is on my hit list!

Your questions of the week:
  1. How far back does your magazine backlog go?
Not including my collection of NMAA/ABA newsletters, which I keep for reference/historical purposes and go back to the 1960s (!), I have a couple of collections going back up to five years.
  1. Will you be able to part with some of them?  What is the hardest part of doing this for you?
I have actually made the decision before now to get rid of most of them (excluding the above) and keep just a handful of scrapbooking ones I especially want.

I have weaned myself from magazines and no longer buy any! Not bad for someone who has had a serious addiction in the past. I now read two or three titles at the library but get my "magazine fix" through my blog reading these days - serves exactly the same purpose! I use Google Reader and have their NEXT book-marklet, so with a click, I scroll through articles  covering all my interests. It is a rarely-ending chain of information.

I might explore eMagazines on my Kobo when they come to Australia, more for browsing options away from home.

So I have a pile ready for the recycling bin and another to go to the charity shop my daughters works at.

  1. What area(s) are on your list for next week?
Kitchen drawers are next on my list :)

  1. For fun…do you do your laundry folding standing up at a table or sitting down?
I rarely do so these days, my cleaner does ;) but my preferred place is on my bed while I watch TV.


Narelle said...

I <3 your motto Yvette. Great philosophy for life! I am so inspired by your de-cluttering efforts. I really want to start this at our place before baby comes along. I keep putting it off by telling myself that I am waiting for cupboards to be built but really that's no excuse ;)

Martha said...

I love your motto too - I think I need to adopt it with all I've had going on. Great job and I love your give away/throw away sorters!

Anonymous said...

I deal with fibromyalgia flares (very new diagnosis for me) and it is really hard to pace myself so I understand when your body needs rest, but your mind keeps going.