Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Today I am thankful - gadgets, clicking and voices

- for iPad envy - trademan came to measure up for some possible remodelling of the breastfeeding centre and Kintara and I fell in love with his iPad even more than his electronic measuring gizmo. If he had been selling iPads, he would have sold two on the spot! he could draw up a rough plan on-screen like paper and email it to his office. neither of us need that feature but we still wanted it!

- for not clicking. Two mums sat feeding their babies as Kintara and I sat at our desks. We both jumped at the sound of clicking, a sure sign baby might not be well-attached. "Sorry," said one mum, when we checked, "that was me tapping on my phone"!

- for hearing voices. "Is someone talking to you?" asked Kintara when we were chatting outside my office this morning. Took me a minute - "no, just the radio!". "He's saying you need to change!" she said.

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