Tuesday, January 24, 2012

"Fall out" from the Frankston baby sling incident

Today the baby sling story I shared yesterday has hit the media and the inevitable for and against comments are appearing in the comments posted by readers. It is interesting how many people are supporting the opinion that slings-are-bad-prams-are-good.

We used prams and slings equally with our three children and I am by no means anti-pram. However they, like baby slings, need to be purchased and used within safety guidelines.

Do you recall this dreadful incident a couple of years ago? (Please note the child survived physically unscathed)

The Frankston baby was as safe as can be, worn by a parent who knows and practices the safety guidelines. Whether this can also be said for a lot of the pram-wielding population is less clear. You only have to spend some time in a shopping centre to see strollers toppling from unbalanced shopping bags; babies over-heating beneath excess bedding and toddlers straddled or propped atop babies in prams with no toddler seat. And no police checking for their safety. Google calls that "pram fail"

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