Saturday, May 18, 2013

Babies need Books: Charlie's Bookshelf

To say I have a passion for books is an under-statement.

To say I have a passion for children's books is well-beyond under-statement.

I cannot recall life without children's books in it - my own childhood, the years until I had my own children and the years until my first grandchild arrived - the books remained. Books are to me as air and water and the thought of a home without books is unthinkable.

So a new life simply means another person to share the magic of words and illustration. Now that Charlie is one month old, she is already enchanted by the books we hold before her and the rhythm of the words we speak.

Her shelves contain books passed down and books given as gifts and books we feel are essentials.

Here she is enjoying some storytimes this week:

She has also been introduced to Hairy McLarey, PEEPO! and The Wheels on the Bus, with great concentration. And the book world is her oyster :)

As long as she can get her mum, aunt and uncle to share ;)

She has already visited the two most important stores in our lives: our local bookstore Robinsons and the Mecca that is the ABA Shop. The to buy list is nearly as long as the to read pile of what we already own ;)

That's why I bought her this, just in case we need reminding.

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