Friday, November 19, 2010

They are married!

Isn't it amazing - my little girl is married and on her honeymoon! Where did the time go?

Both families and friends came together for a magical celebration last Sunday. Everything went as planned and we were even blessed with fair weather after a constant down pour the day before (nature washing everything for the big event!)

As Mother of the Bride, I could only take a few photos, but luckily other people caught the magic for me - and soon we will see the wedding photos taken by the wonderful Rachel Richter.

All for now, bound to more later!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Aaaw thanks for sharing those gorgeous pics (have been hanging out to see them - I can't believe you didn;t FB the whole thing as it happened! ;P)

You all look gorgeous. M must feel pretty chuffed that her little bro pulled out a smile in front of the camera for her big day - that's true brotherly love lol