I don't do New Year's Resolutions as such, rather I have goals which I review on an annual basis and tweak as needed. The current goals I have been focusing on since the beginning of 2008! I reviewed them here this time last year and thought I would do so once more.
Goal: Become a better photographer.
Strategies 2008/2009
- learn how to use my new camera
- follow online tutorials
- learn how to use Photoshop
- take photos most days
mmm .... well, I have come to accept that I can take great photos in auto mode and that learning how to program settings is beyond my abilities at this time. I had a neuro psychological assessment in 2009 (as part of my MS management) and it highlighted I have difficulty learning new things, so I am not going to push myself. I will focus on other aspects of photography and have been improving in my use of natural lighting and have also got a zoom lens which is giving good results. Photoshop continues to challenge me, but I can do the basics I need! I certainly took heaps of photos in 2009, if not daily, and 2010 sees me back on the Project 365 wagon.
Goal: Enjoy more yoga
Strategies 2008/2009
- Enrol in local yoga class
- Make time to practice regularly
- Use my existing resources
A big tick on this list, as I have enjoyed the year with a different teacher and have challenged myself in new ways. I even managed two classes per week at times. I hope to make that a regular thing this year and would really like to try the beach yoga classes.
Goal: Be as healthy as I can
Strategies 2008/2009
- Eat less, move more
- Eat fruit, drink water
- Respect my body
- Stretch often
- Practice yoga
- Walk instead of driving
- Be hydrated
Okay, here I have done well. I have achieved all of the above and also took swimming lessons and water aerobics classes! I have consiously chosen to walk when I could drive, especially when running errands at work. I eat lots of fruit and drink more water than I used to, but there is still room for improvement!
Okay, so moving on:
2010 is going to be a big year, not only because it includes my daughter's wedding! So I really need to be realistic about what I can achieve. I will build on my existing goals, but develop different strategies.
Goal: Capture the memories (was become a better photographer)
Strategies 2010
- always have a camera with me (DSLR, compact point and shoot or Blackberry)
- commit to the Project 365 and take a photo every day of the year.
- commit to Project Life and create scrapbook of the 365 photos.
- continue to scrapbook my way through photo prints and maintain current albums
- journal more, blog more, remember more!
Goal: Be as healthy as I can (now incorporating Enjoy More Yoga)
Strategies 2010
- Enjoy regular yoga: twice weekly classes where practical
- Continue water aerobics at least once and preferably twice weekly
- Eat less, move more
- Eat fruit, drink water
- Walk instead of driving
- Regularly use Wii Fit to chart progress.
- Lose weight at a safe and steady pace
- Swim for pleasure and movement (review need for ongoing classes)
So there you are: my personal goals and strategies for the year ahead. Lets see how I go!
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