Sunday, June 17, 2012

Checking in ... as they check out

The past few weeks have felt fairly unproductive for me, although when I tally them, maybe not so to others! But my winter go-slow has hit and my body is restricting its cooperation as it seems to each  year - fibromyalgia flares up in response to the cold, MS flares up in response to the fibro, meaning a double-whammy of fatigue and lack of energy for things like aqua aerobics and yoga ...

And just to add to the mix, my suspicions have been proven accurate - the acute pain and isolated numbness I get in my right hand is a form of RSI, affecting the ulnar nerve and aggravated by gripping tasks ... like knitting, crochet, holding books, steering wheel, computer mouse, kitchen utensils, pens, pencils, paintbrushes and other art/craft tools - in short, most of the activities that keep me sane! And how to ease the inflammation? Why, limit all of the above and more!!! The physio was so sympathetic when she identified this addition to the pain and numbness I get from the MS and fibro - distinct from but targeting similar areas. I was just resigned - my body is only half-way to its use-by date but I can't imagine it lasting the distance at this rate!!!

But in better news, my family has gone global: one daughter and her husband took off to Bail last week and other daughter heads to the UK tomorrow! Bali and its heat and humidity doesn't really appeal to me, but I would happily hop aboard the flight to London. We studied a map of the UK together this afternoon and I pointed out all the places I would love to go ... and there weren't many left! i shall think of this trip as an advance party and look forward to the day we two can do a longer, more detailed trip. As we are both mad British history buffs and love so many aspects of the life and culture, we have always dreamed of exploring it together. So ... one day.

Anyway, before the jet-setting commenced, we girls did our annual TWO walks around Albert Park Lake with Molly - once for the RSPCA, the other for MS.

PS - I sometimes get asked where the men are: the simple answer is, they aren't interested in our girly adventures: Rod has cycling commitments on Saturdays and Sundays and Kieran needs a really good reason to be exposed to daylight ;)

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