March? Already? Who took my February - I'm not finished with that yet! And it had an extra day!!!
Okay, March. Right. Melissa turns 24 on the 9th (cough, splutter ... 24???) and that is the labour day long weekend. Then it gets busy! Over the following two weeks, my workplace will get packed up (by me!) and put into cold storage for a few months, while I work from home as we await new funding from the State government. I love packing and moving! Well, I do a little - it is the ultimate organising opportunity. The timing is a little skewed, as it is a really busy time work-wise, but I like a challenge!
Then barely recovered from one long weekend, we get the super-duper Easter weekend thrown in just for fun! March will march on across our lives, without doubt.
Working from home sounds so lovely, doesn't it? Visions of magazine layouts about the perfect SoHo ... Small Office, Home Office. Those layouts don't seem to feature four adult kids and an arthritic dog and house bound cats, but I am sure it will look just like the pictures, won't it? A nice cross of Ikea mixed with Officeworks. Now, if I could just find that spare room ...
So, the office phone will divert to home, as will to the mail and the email and I have organised an extra broadband service that will allow me to work from home away from home! mmm ... just like all those magazine articles about work/life balance, LOL!
The next couple of weeks At Home will involve a good culling of shelves and cupboard space, to allow me to house the bare minimum of work stuff. Actually, this has been my mission for a little while now and the end is in sight. Somehow, an unplanned bathroom makeover - replacing the ancient vanity cupboard - has happened over the past few days, throwing my organising just a little. My nerves were rattled when the cleaner quit suddenly just over a week ago, but we have a much better replacement now, so domestic bliss is a viable option!
Creatively, I am keeping up with my photographic and scrapbooking challenges, although having to put limits on the next few weeks. I have lots planned for easter and beyond, though!